A fun dance class for kids!

Classes will be starting up again February or March 2011 when Kerry returns from Maternity leave. Watch this space or send an email to [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.

Grimsbury Community Hall, Banbury - directions and map

3.30pm - 4pm. Tiny Tots. (1.5 - 3.5 years). £3

This class is for toddlers and parents to dance together. Parents should join in with their children in this class, particularly for the younger ages. The classes compromises of dance, singing and activity to various styles of music and introduces basic street dance moves.

4pm - 4.30pm. Tots. (3 years - 5.5 years). £3

This class develops street dance moves mixed in with movements the children can relate to. The music ranges from party fun songs to current chart music.

4.30pm - 5.15pm. 3rd Class (5 years - 8 years). £3.50

The children learn short street dance routines with occasional other styles thrown in.

5.15pm - 6pm. 4th Class (8 years - 12 years). £3.50

Street dance routines and funky moves!


Ages are guide lines only. Different children will suit different classes.


Adult Classes coming soon!

For any questions call Kerry on 07966 171702 or email [email protected]

I look forward to seeing you!


In assosioation with Come To My Party - Children's Party Entertainers.


and Take The Floor - private wedding dance tuition.
