Charities / Fundraisers and Not For Profit.

Spread a Smile
I work very closely with the charity Spread A Smile – the charity that brings joy and laughter to seriously ill and hospitalised children and their families during long hospital stays. We go into hospitals to entertain children and their families and also entertain remotely via zoom calls. This includes singing, magic, balloons, music, and they have an amazing team of entertainers with so many skills – even including a poet, arts and crafts and therapy dogs! Please do check out the wonderful work they are involved with on their page.
Other Charity Events
I also am able to support other charity events throughout the year locally but as this is my full time job there is a limit on how many events I can support. If you do want to be considered please make sure you give as much notice as you can via email at [email protected] or via our Contact page with full details and whether it is decor / balloon twisting / magic etc you are after. If it is at the weekend then we will have to prioritise paying jobs however there is a workaround to this:-
Sponsors: A lot of the charity, fundraiser and not for profit events we do will find a sponsor to enable us to perform. This will involve the sponsor paying us directly and their logo and support being publicised and shown alongside where we are performing. We will also advertise them on our social media posts about the event. It is certainly worth considering if we are unable to donate our services to your event. We are also happy to have a donations bucket along side where we are performing for your collection.
Donations for Raffle Prizes etc.
I have a certain amount of prizes I am able to donate throughout the year. Please be aware that at peak times such as Christmas and end of term this may not be possible however as there are only so many hours in the day to make the creations and this is my full time job. With schools I have several local schools that book me for their end of term shows and therefore these will take priority.
If you do want to be considered for a donation to your raffle please email me with the details and any previous bookings with us the school / club / company / charity we have had.