Superhero Party!
Choose between Spiderman, Superman or Supergirl to host this SUPER fun packed party!
Includes.. Entertainer in superhero costume. Superhero hand stamp Superhero training Superhero games Party dances. Pass the parcel with a yummy treat in between each layer. Lots of props. Sweets for prizes. And if Spiderman is hosting you get a special leaping flipping routine to his theme song with all the acrobatic Spidy moves!Your Superhero will arrive 15 minutes before the party starts to greet the birthday child and set up. As the guests arrive they will give each child a hand stamp or a little fairy dust. After most have arrived 15 minutes into the party they will proceed with an hour of Superhero themed games, dancing and lots of action and fun. Lots of props are involved such as percussive sticks, beanbags, bubbles, parachute plus a pass the parcel (1 parcel per 15 children, so if over 15 then 2 will be passed around simultaneously.) Your superhero can leave as you begin food, or if you are having the 2 hour package then they will stay – making each child a balloon sword. Party games are then played to the end where they can help you organise a group photo, or help pass out the party bags.